
This website is intended for adult viewing and contains nudity and erotic images, as well as the text of an adult nature which discusses sexual relationships between consenting adults, as well as matters of sexual health and well-being.

Escorts Royal is an internet based escort-booking agency. The service we provide is marketing and arranging appointments for escort’s time and companionship only. Anything that may occur between clients and escorts is a matter of choice and coincidence between consenting adults. Any money that is being exchanged between clients and escorts is for time and companionship only and is not to be taken as an inducement for anything else.

Before proceeding, you must read the following statements and agree to their terms. By entering this website, you are electronically signing your consent and legally confirming that you agree to each of the following requirements:

  • I am at least 18 years old (21 in any country where 18 is not the age of majority)
  • I want to see adult material
  • I will not permit any minor to see material I find here
  • I am not accessing this material to use against any person in any conceivable manner
  • I believe viewing such material is not illegal in the country or location in which I reside
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  • I understand that misrepresenting my age in order to enter this site may be a violation of relevant laws. The site owners cannot be held responsible if I pretend I’m over 18 or 21 when I’m really not
  • I will neither use nor copy any of the content on this site in any way without the express permission of the site owner.
  • I understand that all material on this site is the protected intellectual property of escortsroyal.com
  • I understand that all material on this site is copyrighted by escortsroyal.com
  • I will not holding the owners of this site, or anyone associated with this site liable for my decision to enter the site.
  • By continuing to read this site, I have indicated that I have read, understood and agree to all of the above and I have the full legal capacity to enter into such an agreement.

If you are under 18 or do not agree with every one of the terms in the above disclaimer, please leave this site now.